Deutsche Edition 1
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674 lines
* The functions for pop-up menus
* Written by Derek Zahn (Gambit Software, Madison WI), July 1987
* This code is freely distributable and is blessed by its author for
* inclusion, in this form or any other, into Amiga programs,
* commercial or non-commercial. If this is done, no credit must be
* given to me (although I wouldn't mind).
* This code was developed and tested under Manx Aztec C, version 3.40a
* with small code, small data, and short integers as part of the Gambit
* Software development environment. It has been "unGambitized" for
* general use. I am unfamiliar with other Amiga C compilers, so cannot
* speculate on any porting difficulties. This file was created with a
* text editor (Z) whose tabstops were set to 8, so that it may be easily
* and intelligibly printed. This code was developed under 1.2; I am
* not sure if it will work under 1.1, but can't see why not.
* Note that there are some features that should be supported but are not,
* and some issues about the function and interface that make me nervous.
* These are explained in the appendix to the documentation. I would
* greatly appreciate receiving any enhancements and modifications to this
* code, or suggestions therefor. Comments on techniques and coding
* style are always appreciated. Enjoy.
/* include files */
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <graphics/gfxmacros.h>
#include "popmenu.h"
/* Externally defined functions used in this module */
extern struct Window *OpenWindow();
extern struct IntuiMessage *GetMsg(); /* type coercion, true... */
extern VOID CloseWindow(), ReplyMsg(), Wait();
extern VOID RectFill(), Move(), Draw(), Text(), PrintIText(), DrawImage();
/* The following functions are defined in this module */
extern LONG PopChoose(); /* blocking user interface -- exported */
extern SHORT pop_computestate(); /* see who is selected, if anybody */
extern VOID pop_highlight(); /* highlight the specified item */
extern VOID pop_unhighlight(); /* unhighlight the specified item */
extern VOID pop_do_highlighting(); /* high or un high light the item */
extern VOID pop_render(); /* draws the title (if existent) and menu items */
extern VOID pop_draw_menuitem(); /* draws the menu item */
extern struct MenuItem *pop_getitem(); /* find a MenuItem struc */
extern SHORT pop_strlen(); /* local strlen() */
/* This is structure will be used to create a window for display of the */
/* menu. In my heart of hearts, I wanted to use graphics library */
/* functions instead, but reason prevailed. Note the use of the RMBTRAP */
/* flag -- while the pop-up menu is being processed, there is no use for */
/* the right button. Perhaps this should only be set if the right button */
/* has some bearing on the pop-up menu. */
struct NewWindow pop_window = {
0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge: will be filled in later */
0, 0, /* Width, Height: will be filled in later */
(UBYTE) -1, (UBYTE) -1, /* BlockPen, DetailPen */
NULL, /* no gadgets */
NULL, /* checkmark inherited later */
NULL, /* no title */
NULL, /* Screen -- will be filled in later */
NULL, /* No custom bitmap */
0, 0, /* MinWidth, MinHeight -- no change in size necessary */
0, 0, /* MaxWidth, MaxHeight -- no change in size necessary */
CUSTOMSCREEN /* always use this value */
/* It is assumed that the following point to bases of opened libraries */
extern struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
extern struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
* PopChoose(menu, win)
* menu -- pointer to the menu to pop
* win -- the window to which this menu relates. NULL means the currently
* active window.
* This function provides a blocking pop-up menu. It returns (LONG) -1 if
* either an error occurred attempting to pop or if no selection was made
* by the user. If a selection was made, a LONG between 0 and n-1, where
* n is the number of Menu Items.
* -1 is also returned if a selection of a checked item was made.
* Since this code opens a window, it is up to the caller to be sure that
* no scribbling in droll ways is done while this code is in progress.
PopChoose(menu, win)
struct Menu *menu;
struct Window *win;
struct Screen *screen; /* the window's screen */
struct Window *popwin; /* the pop-up menu */
struct IntuiMessage *message; /* our eyes and ears */
struct MenuItem *sel_item; /* the selected item */
SHORT pop_state, pop_newstate; /* menu selection state varaibles */
SHORT mouse_moved; /* keeps track of whether the mouse has moved */
SHORT finished; /* set when menu should be blown away */
SHORT class; /* incoming IntuiMessage class */
SHORT code; /* incoming IntuiMessage code */
ULONG exclude; /* for handling mutual exclusion */
/* Check to see that IntuitionBase and GfxBase are non-null. */
/* While this is not any sort of guarantee against disaster, it */
/* is better than nothing. */
if((IntuitionBase == NULL) || (GfxBase == NULL))
return((LONG) (-1));
/* One paranoid check */
if(menu == NULL)
return((LONG) (-1));
/* If the menu is not MENUENABLED, nothing to do */
if(!(menu->Flags & MENUENABLED))
return((LONG) (-1));
/* Form the menu window to blast forth into the Visual World. Note */
/* the unconventional (and inconsistent with Intuition) ways that */
/* the Width and Height fields are used here. */
pop_window.Width = menu->Width;
pop_window.Height = menu->Height;
if(win == NULL)
win = IntuitionBase->ActiveWindow;
if(win == NULL) /* panic */
return((LONG) (-1));
/* Inherit CheckMark from the "parent" window */
pop_window.CheckMark = win->CheckMark;
screen = win->WScreen;
pop_window.Screen = screen;
pop_window.LeftEdge = menu->LeftEdge;
pop_window.TopEdge = menu->TopEdge;
/* if we are supposed to return to the last-selected menu item and */
/* such a beast exists, all other positioning information (except */
/* POPTIDY) will be circumvented. The menu will appear under the */
/* pointer with the last-chosen item pre-selected, if this is */
/* possible given the POPTIDY flag and the screen constraints. */
/* In this case, the LeftEdge and TopEdge fields of the menu */
/* structure will have been altered (I know, ick!) to provide a */
/* relative offset with respect to the pointer to do the deed */
if((menu->Flags & POPREMEMBER) && (menu->Flags & POPUSED)) {
pop_window.LeftEdge += screen->MouseX;
pop_window.TopEdge += screen->MouseY;
else {
if(menu->Flags & POPPOINTREL) {
pop_window.LeftEdge += screen->MouseX;
pop_window.TopEdge += screen->MouseY;
else if(menu->Flags & POPWINREL) {
pop_window.LeftEdge += win->LeftEdge;
pop_window.TopEdge += win->TopEdge;
/* If the caller wishes us to be POPTIDY, the menu must completely */
/* appear on the screen, whatever other effects this may have on */
/* menu positioning. The left edge and top edge must be altered */
/* accordingly. In the pathological case where the menu is larger */
/* than the screen, -1 is returned. */
/* If poptidiness is not a factor, the size of the window may have */
/* to be altered if it shoots off the bottom or right edge of the */
/* screen. There should be some similar mechanism to deal with */
/* the menu if it extends past the top or left edge of the screen; */
/* as it stands now, the OpenWindow() call will fail, and the */
/* result may be even more dire under 1.1. Use 1.2! */
if(menu->Flags & POPTIDY) {
if((pop_window.Width > screen->Width) ||
(pop_window.Height > screen->Height))
return((LONG) (-1));
if(pop_window.LeftEdge + pop_window.Width > screen->Width)
pop_window.LeftEdge = screen->Width-pop_window.Width;
if(pop_window.TopEdge + pop_window.Height > screen->Height)
if(pop_window.LeftEdge < screen->LeftEdge)
pop_window.LeftEdge = screen->LeftEdge;
if(pop_window.TopEdge < screen->TopEdge)
pop_window.TopEdge = screen->TopEdge;
else {
if(pop_window.LeftEdge + pop_window.Width > screen->Width)
pop_window.Width = screen->Width -
if(pop_window.TopEdge + pop_window.Height > screen->Height)
pop_window.Height = screen->Height -
/* There! Finally, the window is ready to be displayed! First, */
/* create it. */
popwin = OpenWindow(&pop_window);
if(popwin == NULL) /* all that work for nuthin' */
return((LONG) (-1));
/* Now, render the menu items and (possibly) the menu title. */
pop_render(popwin, menu);
/* Now, see if the pointer is over a selection. The variable */
/* 'pop_state' will from this point on hold the value, in linear */
/* traversal order of the MenuItems (zero-indexed), the currently */
/* selected menu item, or -1 if none are selected. */
pop_state = pop_computestate(popwin, menu);
/* If one is indeed currently selected, highlight it. */
if(pop_state >= 0)
pop_highlight(popwin, menu, pop_state);
/* Here is the IDCMP loop that will process the pop-up menu. Note */
/* that on mousemove events, I don't care where it moved, just if */
/* it did -- pop_computestate() will figure out where by reaching */
/* into the Window structure. Not Pure Programming, somehow, but */
/* blessed by the Intuition manual. */
finished = 0;
while(1) {
mouse_moved = 0;
Wait((ULONG) 1L << popwin->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
while(message = GetMsg(popwin->UserPort)) {
class = message->Class;
code = message->Code;
/* The only messages we should be getting are */
/* mouse button and move events. Button events */
/* could signify the end of this routine's */
/* epheremal spotlight role. */
switch(class) {
mouse_moved = 1;
switch(code) {
if((menu->Flags & POPLEFTBUTTON) &&
(menu->Flags & POPTRIGGERDOWN))
finished = 1;
if((menu->Flags & POPLEFTBUTTON) &&
(menu->Flags & POPTRIGGERUP))
finished = 1;
if((menu->Flags & POPRIGHTBUTTON) &&
(menu->Flags & POPTRIGGERDOWN))
finished = 1;
case MENUUP:
if((menu->Flags & POPRIGHTBUTTON) &&
(menu->Flags & POPTRIGGERUP))
finished = 1;
default: /* huh? */
default: /* huh? */
/* if the exit conditions have been met, we can return our */
/* results with honor and dignity, having served. */
/* Note that if we are remembering the last selection, the */
/* menu structure is mangled to make that possible. */
if(finished) {
pop_state = pop_computestate(popwin, menu);
if(pop_state >= 0) {
if(menu->Flags & POPREMEMBER) {
menu->Flags |= POPUSED;
menu->LeftEdge = -1 * popwin->MouseX;
menu->TopEdge = -1 * popwin->MouseY;
/* Special things to do if the menu entry */
/* is of type CHECKIT */
sel_item = pop_getitem(menu, pop_state);
if(sel_item->Flags & CHECKIT) {
if(sel_item->Flags & CHECKED) {
pop_state = -1;
if(sel_item->Flags & MENUTOGGLE)
sel_item->Flags &= ~CHECKED;
else {
sel_item->Flags |= CHECKED;
/* Handle mutual exclusion */
exclude = sel_item->MutualExclude;
if(exclude) {
sel_item = menu->FirstItem;
while(sel_item) {
if(exclude & 1)
sel_item->Flags &= ~CHECKED;
exclude >>= 1;
sel_item = sel_item->NextItem;
return((LONG) pop_state);
/* if the mouse has moved, find out its new state and */
/* alter the highlighting accordingly. */
if(mouse_moved) {
pop_newstate = pop_computestate(popwin, menu);
if(pop_newstate != pop_state) {
if(pop_state >= 0)
menu, pop_state);
if(pop_newstate >= 0)
menu, pop_newstate);
pop_state = pop_newstate;
* pop_computestate()
* This function checks to see where the mouse pointer is in relation to
* the various menu items in the menu. If it is inside one of them, it
* returns which one (indexed by its linear position in the MenuItem list
* with 0 being the first one). If not, returns -1.
* Possible future enhancement: keep a set of state variables containing
* the UL and LR corners of the last-known select box; this would make
* a quick check possible and would cut down the computation for short
* mouse movements (the most common).
static SHORT
pop_computestate(win, menu)
struct Window *win;
struct Menu *menu;
register SHORT current = 0;
register SHORT xval, yval;
register struct MenuItem *item;
/* Get the x and y vals of the mouse position */
xval = win->MouseX;
yval = win->MouseY;
/* If there is a title, decrement the yval by the correct amount */
/* First, see if the pointer is even in the window */
if((xval < 0) || (yval < 0) ||
(xval > win->Width) || (yval > win->Height))
/* search through the list of menu items, checking the select box */
/* of each. If containment is detected, the job is done. */
item = menu->FirstItem;
while(item) {
if((xval >= item->LeftEdge) && (yval >= item->TopEdge) &&
(xval <= item->LeftEdge + item->Width) &&
(yval <= item->TopEdge + item->Height)) {
/* We have found the quarry; now, the result only */
/* depends on the MenuItem's ITEMENABLED flag. */
if(item->Flags & ITEMENABLED)
item = item->NextItem;
/* If the list is exhausted, return the sad news */
* pop_highlight()
* highlight a menu item
static VOID
pop_highlight(win, menu, state)
struct Window *win;
struct Menu *menu;
SHORT state;
pop_do_highlighting(win, menu, state, 0);
* pop_unhighlight()
* unhighlight a menu item
static VOID
pop_unhighlight(win, menu, state)
struct Window *win;
struct Menu *menu;
SHORT state;
pop_do_highlighting(win, menu, state, 1);
* pop_do_highlighting()
* Highlight or unhighlight a menu item, given its traversal number. Assumes
* this is a rational value -- if it isn't, Watch Out.
static VOID
pop_do_highlighting(win, menu, state, mode)
struct Window *win;
struct Menu *menu;
SHORT state;
SHORT mode; /* 0 means to highlight, 1 means to unhighlight */
register struct MenuItem *item;
struct RastPort *rp;
SHORT offset = 0;
/* Get the correct MenuItem structure */
item = pop_getitem(menu, state);
rp = win->RPort;
/* Now, do the highlighting! The action to be taken depends on */
/* the type of highlighting desired for this item. */
/* The way that the flags for highlighting works is truly bizarre */
if((item->Flags & HIGHNONE) == HIGHNONE)
if(item->Flags & HIGHCOMP) {
RectFill(rp, (LONG) item->LeftEdge, (LONG) (item->TopEdge +
offset), (LONG) (item->LeftEdge + item->Width - 1),
(LONG) (item->TopEdge + item->Height + offset));
else if(item->Flags & HIGHBOX) {
Move(rp, (LONG) item->LeftEdge, (LONG) (item->TopEdge +
Draw(rp, (LONG) (item->LeftEdge + item->Width - 1),
(LONG) (item->TopEdge + offset));
Draw(rp, (LONG) (item->LeftEdge + item->Width - 1),
(LONG) (item->TopEdge + item->Height + offset));
Draw(rp, (LONG) item->LeftEdge,
(LONG) (item->TopEdge + item->Height + offset));
Draw(rp, (LONG) item->LeftEdge, (LONG)
(item->TopEdge + offset));
/* Otherwise, the mode is HIGHIMAGE */
pop_draw_menuitem(win, item, !mode, offset);
* pop_render()
* renders the menu title (if existent) and the menu items
static VOID
pop_render(win, menu)
struct Window *win;
struct Menu *menu;
struct MenuItem *item;
struct RastPort *rp;
SHORT offset = 0;
rp = win->RPort;
/* Fill the background with color 1, like Intuition Menus */
SetAPen(rp, 1L);
RectFill(rp, 0L, 0L, (LONG) win->Width, (LONG) win->Height);
/* First, if there is a Title for this menu, render it in the top */
/* of the menu. */
if(menu->MenuName) {
SetDrMd(rp, JAM1);
SetAPen(rp, 0L);
SetBPen(rp, 1L);
Move(rp, 4L, 7L);
Text(rp, menu->MenuName, (LONG) pop_strlen(menu->MenuName));
RectFill(rp,0L,0L, (LONG) win->Width, (LONG) POPTITLEHEIGHT);
SetDrMd(rp, JAM1);
/* now render all of the menu items */
item = menu->FirstItem;
while(item) {
pop_draw_menuitem(win, item, 0, offset);
item = item->NextItem;
/* Area fill patterns */
static USHORT pop_ghost_pattern[] = {
0x1111, 0x4444
static USHORT pop_normal_pattern[] = {
0xffff, 0xffff
* pop_draw_menuitem()
* Draws the specified menuitem in the given rastport. The mode argument
* says what to draw -- 0 means draw the ItemFill, 1 the SelectFill.
static VOID
pop_draw_menuitem(win, item, mode, offset)
struct Window *win;
struct MenuItem *item;
SHORT mode;
SHORT offset;
APTR fill;
struct RastPort *rp;
/* first, figure out what to do, and return if it is a NULL thing */
fill = item->ItemFill;
fill = item->SelectFill;
rp = win->RPort;
/* First, erase what may already be there, just to be sure that */
/* everything works out all right. */
SetAPen(rp, 1L);
SetDrMd(rp, JAM1);
RectFill(rp, (LONG) item->LeftEdge, (LONG) (item->TopEdge +
offset), (LONG) (item->LeftEdge + item->Width), (LONG)
(item->TopEdge + item->Height + offset));
/* If the item is checkmarked, draw the checkmark. Intuition made */
/* sure that the CheckMark field of the window structure exists */
if(item->Flags & CHECKIT)
if(item->Flags & CHECKED)
DrawImage(rp, win->CheckMark, (LONG) item->LeftEdge,
(LONG) (item->TopEdge + offset + 1));
/* Now, draw the item itself -- depending on the Flag value, it */
/* could be either an Image or an IntuiText */
if(item->Flags & ITEMTEXT)
PrintIText(rp, fill, (LONG) item->LeftEdge,
(LONG) (item->TopEdge + offset));
DrawImage(rp, fill, (LONG) item->LeftEdge,
(LONG) (item->TopEdge + offset));
/* If the ITEMENABLED flag is not set, "ghost" the item. */
if(!(item->Flags & ITEMENABLED)) {
SetAPen(rp, 1L);
SetDrMd(rp, JAM1);
SetAfPt(rp, (USHORT *) pop_ghost_pattern, 1L);
RectFill(rp, (LONG) item->LeftEdge, (LONG) (item->TopEdge +
offset), (LONG) (item->LeftEdge + item->Width), (LONG)
(item->TopEdge + item->Height + offset));
SetAfPt(rp, (USHORT *) pop_normal_pattern, 1L);
* pop_getitem()
* given the traversal number of a menu item in a menu (assumes, BTW, that
* the arguments are valid), return a pointer to the MenuItem structure
static struct MenuItem *
pop_getitem(menu, which)
struct Menu *menu;
SHORT which;
struct MenuItem *item;
item = menu->FirstItem;
item = item->NextItem;
* pop_strlen()
* a home-brewed strlen to prevent it being necessary to hook in whatever
* huge object file in which the c library's strlen() resides.
static SHORT
char *str;
register SHORT count = 0;
for(; *str++; count++);
/* :-) */